Brian Anderson
Cited by
Cited by
Reconceptualizing entrepreneurial orientation
BS Anderson, PM Kreiser, DF Kuratko, JS Hornsby, Y Eshima
Strategic management journal 36 (10), 1579-1596, 2015
The influence of firm age and intangible resources on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm growth among Japanese SMEs
BS Anderson, Y Eshima
Journal of Business Venturing 28 (3), 413-429, 2013
Understanding the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and strategic learning capability: an empirical investigation
BS Anderson, JG Covin, DP Slevin
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 3 (3), 218-240, 2009
Firm growth, adaptive capability, and entrepreneurial orientation
Y Eshima, BS Anderson
Strategic management journal 38 (3), 770-779, 2017
The follower's dilemma: Innovation and imitation in the professional services industry
M Semadeni, BS Anderson
Academy of Management Journal 53 (5), 1175-1193, 2010
Enhancing quantitative theory-testing entrepreneurship research
BS Anderson, K Wennberg, JS McMullen
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (5), 105928, 2019
Entrepreneurial orientation and environmental hostility: A threat rigidity perspective
PM Kreiser, BS Anderson, DF Kuratko, LD Marino
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 44 (6), 1174-1198, 2020
Strategic entrepreneurial behaviors: Construct and scale development
BS Anderson, Y Eshima, JS Hornsby
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2018
Enhancing the exploration and communication of quantitative entrepreneurship research
K Wennberg, BS Anderson
Journal of Business Venturing 35 (3), 105938, 2020
Firm structure and environment as contingencies to the corporate venture capital-parent firm value relationship
VK Titus Jr, BS Anderson
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (3), 498-522, 2018
The chicken or the egg? Causal inference in entrepreneurial orientation–performance research
BS Anderson, J Schueler, M Baum, WJ Wales, VK Gupta
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 46 (6), 1569-1596, 2022
Entrepreneurial orientation: disposition and behavior
BS Anderson, JG Covin
Handbook of research on entrepreneurship, 215-237, 2014
Endogeneity and entrepreneurship research
B Anderson
OSF, 2018
The temptation of exaggeration: Exploring the line between preparedness and misrepresentation in entrepreneurial pitches
GW Cottle, BS Anderson
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 14, e00190, 2020
Test-Retest Reliability in Metric Conjoint Experiments: A New Workflow to Evaluate Confidence in Model Results
J Schüler, BS Anderson, C Y. Murnieks, M Baum, A Küsshauer
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 48 (2), 742-757, 2024
Under the table: Exploring the type and communication of corruption on opportunity pursuit
CD Coffman, BS Anderson
Journal of Business Venturing Insights 10, e00101, 2018
Endogeneity in strategic entrepreneurship research
BS Anderson
Research handbook on strategic entrepreneurship, 233-263, 2022
2 Editorial: Enhancing Quantitative Theory-Testing Entrepreneurship Research
K Wennberg, BS Anderson, J McMullen
Ratio Working Papers, 2019
Entrepreneurial responses to hostile environments
PM Kreiser, BS Anderson, L Marino, DF Kuratko
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 14506, 2013
What executives get wrong about statistics: Moving from statistical significance to effect sizes and practical impact
BS Anderson
Business Horizons 65 (3), 379-388, 2022
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Articles 1–20