Junyi Zhang 張峻屹
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Cited by
COVID-19 and transport: Findings from a world-wide expert survey
J Zhang, Y Hayashi, LD Frank
Transport policy 103, 68-85, 2021
A model of household task allocation and time use
J Zhang, HJP Timmermans, A Borgers
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 39 (1), 81-95, 2005
Urbanization and subsurface environmental issues: An attempt at DPSIR model application in Asian cities
KAB Jago-on, S Kaneko, R Fujikura, A Fujiwara, T Imai, T Matsumoto, ...
Science of the total environment 407 (9), 3089-3104, 2009
Modeling household activity travel behavior: Examples of state of the art modeling approaches and research agenda
HJP Timmermans, J Zhang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 (2), 187-190, 2009
Transport policymaking that accounts for COVID-19 and future public health threats: A PASS approach
J Zhang
Transport policy 99, 405-418, 2020
Modeling household discrete choice behavior incorporating heterogeneous group decision-making mechanisms
J Zhang, M Kuwano, B Lee, A Fujiwara
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 (2), 230-250, 2009
Pandemic waves and the time after Covid-19 – Consequences for the transport sector
TH Rothengatter, W., Zhang, J., Hayashi, Y., Nosach, A., Wang, K., Oum
Transport Policy, in press, 2021
Utility-maximizing model of household time use for independent, shared, and allocated activities incorporating group decision mechanisms
J Zhang, H Timmermans, A Borgers
Transportation Research Record 1807 (1), 1-8, 2002
Representing tourists’ heterogeneous choices of destination and travel party with an integrated latent class and nested logit model
L Wu, J Zhang, A Fujiwara
Tourism Management 32 (6), 1407-1413, 2011
Modeling traveler choice behavior using the concepts of relative utility and relative interest
J Zhang, H Timmermans, A Borgers, D Wang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 38 (3), 215-234, 2004
Representing household time allocation behavior by endogenously incorporating diverse intra-household interactions: A case study in the context of elderly couples
J Zhang, A Fujiwara
Transportation research part B: methodological 40 (1), 54-74, 2006
Interdependences between household residential and car ownership behavior: a life history analysis
J Zhang, B Yu, M Chikaraishi
Journal of Transport Geography 34, 165-174, 2014
Evaluating the direct and indirect rebound effects in household energy consumption behavior: a case study of Beijing
B Yu, J Zhang, A Fujiwara
Energy Policy 57, 441-453, 2013
Motorization in Asia: 14 countries and three metropolitan areas
M Senbil, J Zhang, A Fujiwara
IATSS research 31 (1), 46-58, 2007
Tourism participation and expenditure behaviour: Analysis using a scobit based discrete–continuous choice model
L Wu, J Zhang, A Fujiwara
Annals of Tourism Research 40, 1-17, 2013
Capturing ownership behavior of autonomous vehicles in Japan based on a stated preference survey and a mixed logit model with repeated choices
Y Jiang, J Zhang, Y Wang, W Wang
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 13 (10), 788-801, 2019
Life-oriented behavioral research for urban policy
J Zhang
Springer Japan, 2017
Perception of small tourism enterprises in Lao PDR regarding social sustainability under the influence of social network
L Zhang, J Zhang
Tourism Management 69, 109-120, 2018
Long-term pathways to deep decarbonization of the transport sector in the post-COVID world
R Zhang, J Zhang
Transport Policy 110, 28-36, 2021
Association of built environment attributes with the spread of COVID-19 at its initial stage in China
S Li, S Ma, J Zhang
Sustainable cities and society 67, 102752, 2021
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