Henryk Szadziewski
Cited by
Cited by
Converging anticipatory geographies in Oceania: The belt and road initiative and look north in Fiji
H Szadziewski
Political Geography 77, 102119, 2020
Territorialization on tour: The tourist gaze along the Silk Road economic belt in Kashgar, China
H Szadziewski, M Mostafanezhad, G Murton
Geoforum 128, 135-147, 2022
A search for coherence: the Belt and Road initiative in the Pacific Islands
H Szadziewski
The China alternative: Changing regional order in the Pacific Islands, 283-317, 2021
The Push for a Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act in the United States: Recent Developments in Uyghur Activism
H Szadziewski
Asian Ethnicity, 1-12, 2019
How the West was Won: China’s Expansion into Central Asia
H Szadziewski
Caucasian Review of International Affairs 3 (2), 210-218, 2009
Commanding the Economy: The Recurring Patterns of Chinese Central Government Development Planning among Uyghurs in Xinjiang
H Szadziewski
Inner Asia 13 (1), 97-116, 2011
The Open Up the West Campaign among Uyghurs in Xinjiang
H Szadziewski
On the Fringes of the Harmonious Society: Tibetans and Uyghurs in Socialist …, 2013
Everyday geoeconomics: The belt and road initiative in Oceania
H Szadziewski
Geographical Research 59 (3), 483-488, 2021
A case for popular geoeconomics: Angelina Jolie, China, and the semiotic limits of the archive
M Mostafanezhad, H Szadziewski
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 49 (1), e12647, 2024
How China dismantled the Uyghur internet
H Sazdziewski, G Fay
The Diplomat 22, 2014
Rights for Marginalised People: Realising Equality Through the Partnership of State-led Development Initiatives and a Rights-based Approach to Development
H Szadziewski
Swansea University, 2007
Encompassing the everyday: Grounded responses to the geoeconomic
H Szadziewski
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X241265599, 2024
Agents of the Belt and Road Initiative or Agents of Agency? Fijian State and Civil Society Perceptions of Chinese Companies
H Szadziewski
The China Question: Contestations and Adaptations, 269-289, 2022
The Question from the Pacific Islands: Will the United States Be a Credible and Consistent Indo-Pacific Partner?
H Szadziewski, A Powles
Asia Policy 30 (3), 56-68, 2023
Volume 6 of Teaching Oceania Series, Introduction to Pacific Studies
H Aikau, R Auelu, M Barcham, Z Boeger, S Dawrs, D Ehmes, J Enomoto, ...
Honolulu: Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa, 2020
Reverse Image Engineering: Unfinished and Failed Chinese infrastructure Projects in Fiji
H Szadziewski
Outre-Terre, 273-300, 2020
Exclusion and Discrimination of the Uyghurs in China
A Seytoff, H Szadziewski
Routledge Handbook of Human Rights in Asia, 2018
The Everyday Geoeconomics of China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Fiji: Entrepreneurial Encounters Along the Maritime Silk Road
H Szadziewski
Going Elsewhere: Oceania’s Globalism and the Gulf States
H Szadziewski
Community Still Matters: Uyghur Culture and Society in Central Asian Context, edited by Aysima Mirsultan, Eric Schluessel & Eset Sulaiman
H Szadziewski
Inner Asia 26 (1), 181-183, 2024
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Articles 1–20