Andreas Komninos
Andreas Komninos
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, University of Patras
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Cited by
Text input on a smart watch
A Komninos, M Dunlop
IEEE Pervasive Computing 13 (4), 50-58, 2014
Towards high quality text entry on smartwatches
MD Dunlop, A Komninos, N Durga
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2365-2370, 2014
Feature-based indoor navigation using augmented reality
S Kasprzak, A Komninos, P Barrie
2013 9th international conference on intelligent environments, 100-107, 2013
HealthPal: an intelligent personal medical assistant for supporting the self-monitoring of healthcare in the ageing society
A Komninos, S Stamou
Proceedings of UbiHealth, 2006
You never call: Demoting unused contacts on mobile phones using DMTR
O Bergman, A Komninos, D Liarokapis, J Clarke
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16 (6), 757-766, 2012
Diba: An adaptive broadcasting scheme in mobile ad hoc networks
D Liarokapis, A Shahrabi, A Komninos
2009 Seventh Annual Communication Networks and Services Research Conference …, 2009
Natural interaction with large map interfaces in VR
I Giannopoulos, A Komninos, J Garofalakis
Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 1-6, 2017
A glimpse of mobile text entry errors and corrective behaviour in the wild
A Komninos, M Dunlop, K Katsaris, J Garofalakis
MobileHCI'18, 221-228, 2018
Designed with older adults to support better error correction in smartphone text entry: the MaxieKeyboard
A Komninos, E Nicol, MD Dunlop
17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile …, 2015
WiseType: a tablet keyboard with color-coded visualization and various editing options for error correction
O Alharbi, AS Arif, W Stuerzlinger, MD Dunlop, A Komninos
Graphics Interface 2019, 2019
Capturing urban dynamics with scarce check-in data
A Komninos, V Stefanis, A Plessas, J Besharat
IEEE Pervasive Computing 12 (4), 20-28, 2013
Urban exploration using audio scents
A Komninos, P Barrie, V Stefanis, A Plessas
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Human-computer …, 2012
Frequency and recency context for the management and retrieval of personal information on mobile devices
V Stefanis, A Plessas, A Komninos, J Garofalakis
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 15, 100-112, 2014
A pervasive gesture-driven augmented reality prototype using wireless sensor body area networks
P Barrie, A Komninos, O Mandrychenko
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Technology …, 2009
Designing with care: The future of pervasive healthcare
I Mulder, Y Schikhof, M Vastenburg, A Card, T Dunn, A Komninos, ...
IEEE pervasive computing 8 (4), 85-88, 2009
Pro-social behaviour in crowdsourcing systems: Experiences from a field deployment for beach monitoring
A Komninos
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 124, 93-115, 2019
A participatory design and formal study investigation into mobile text entry for older adults
E Nicol, A Komninos, MD Dunlop
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) 8 (2), 20-46, 2016
Performance of Raspberry Pi microclusters for Edge Machine Learning in Tourism
A Komninos, I Simou, N Gkorgkolis, J Garofalakis
Edge Machine Learning for Smart IoT Environments Workshop (EDGING), 2019 …, 2019
Where’s everybody? Comparing the use of heatmaps to uncover cities’ tacit social context in smartphones and pervasive displays
A Komninos, J Besharat, D Ferreira, J Garofalakis, V Kostakos
Information Technology & Tourism 17 (4), 399-427, 2017
HotCity: enhancing ubiquitous maps with social context heatmaps
A Komninos, J Besharat, D Ferreira, J Garofalakis
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2013
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Articles 1–20