Mark Dickie
Mark Dickie
University of Central Florida and US EPA National Center for Environmental Economics
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Do classroom experiments increase learning in introductory microeconomics?
M Dickie
The Journal of Economic Education 37 (3), 267-288, 2006
Averting behavior and urban air pollution
BW Bresnahan, M Dickie, S Gerking
Land Economics, 340-357, 1997
Market transactions and hypothetical demand data: A comparative study
M Dickie, A Fisher, S Gerking
Journal of the American Statistical Association 82 (397), 69-75, 1987
Parental altruism and the value of avoiding acute illness: are kids worth more than parents?
M Dickie, VL Messman
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 48 (3), 1146-1174, 2004
Willingness to pay for ozone control: Inferences from the demand for medical care
M Dickie, S Gerking
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 21 (1), 1-16, 1991
Defensive behavior and damage cost methods
M Dickie
A primer on nonmarket valuation, 395-444, 2003
Formation of risk beliefs, joint production and willingness to pay to avoid skin cancer
M Dickie, S Gerking
the Review of Economics and Statistics, 451-463, 1996
Valuing reduced morbidity: a household production approach
M Dickie, S Gerking
Southern Economic Journal, 690-702, 1991
Interregional wage differentials: an equilibrium perspective
M Dickie, S Gerking
Journal of Regional Science 27 (4), 571-585, 1987
Altruism and environmental risks to health of parents and their children
M Dickie, S Gerking
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 53 (3), 323-341, 2007
Willingness to pay for improving fatality risks and asthma symptoms: values for children and adults of all ages
GC Blomquist, M Dickie, RM O’Conor
Resource and Energy Economics 33 (2), 410-425, 2011
Barriers to professional entry: How effective is the 150-hour rule?
CT Grant, CS Ciccotello, M Dickie
Journal of accounting and public policy 21 (1), 71-93, 2002
Interregional wage disparities, relocation costs, and labor mobility in Canada
M Dickie, S Gerking
Journal of Regional Science 38 (1), 61-87, 1998
Parental behavior and the value of children's health: A health production approach
M Dickie
Southern Economic Journal 71 (4), 855-872, 2005
Price determination for a collectible good: The case of rare US coins
M Dickie, CD Delorme Jr, JM Humphreys
Southern Economic Journal, 40-51, 1994
Parents' discount rates for child quality
MD Agee, TD Crocker
Southern Economic Journal, 36-50, 1996
Reconciling averting behavior and contingent valuation benefit estimates of reducing symptoms of ozone exposure
M Dickie, S Gerking, D Brookshire, D Coursey, W Schulze, A Coulson, ...
Improving accuracy and reducing costs of environmental benefit assessment …, 1987
Exposure to formaldehyde and asthma outcomes: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and economic assessment
J Lam, E Koustas, P Sutton, AM Padula, MD Cabana, H Vesterinen, ...
PLoS One 16 (3), e0248258, 2021
Willingness to pay for reduced morbidity
M Dickie, S Gerking
workshop,“Economic Valuation of Health for Environmental Policy: Assessing …, 2002
Averting behavior and policy evaluation
BW Bresnahan, M Dickie
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 29 (3), 378-392, 1995
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Articles 1–20