Prof Raed Algharabat
Prof Raed Algharabat
Professor of Digital Marketing and Social Media, The University of Jordan, Qatar University
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Cited by
Social media in marketing: A review and analysis of the existing literature
AA Alalwan, NP Rana, YK Dwivedi, R Algharabat
Telematics and informatics 34 (7), 1177-1190, 2017
Examining factors influencing Jordanian customers’ intentions and adoption of internet banking: Extending UTAUT2 with risk
AA Alalwan, YK Dwivedi, NP Rana, R Algharabat
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40, 125-138, 2018
Investigating the antecedents of customer brand engagement and consumer-based brand equity in social media
R Algharabat, NP Rana, AA Alalwan, A Baabdullah, A Gupta
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 53, 101767, 2020
The effect of telepresence, social presence and involvement on consumer brand engagement: An empirical study of non-profit organizations
R Algharabat, NP Rana, YK Dwivedi, AA Alalwan, Z Qasem
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 40, 139-149, 2018
Linking social media marketing activities with brand love: The mediating role of self-expressive brands
RS Algharabat
Kybernetes 46 (10), 1801-1819, 2017
Three dimensional product presentation quality antecedents and their consequences for online retailers: The moderating role of virtual product experience
R Algharabat, AA Alalwan, NP Rana, YK Dwivedi
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 36, 203-217, 2017
An Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Online Shopping
RA Ali Tarhini, Ali Abdallah Alalwan, Nabeel Al-Qirim
Research Anthology on E-Commerce Adoption, Models, and Applications for …, 2021
Investigating the impact of ECRM success factors on business performance: Jordanian commercial banks
HH Al-Dmour, RS Algharabat, R Khawaja, RH Al-Dmour
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 31 (1), 105-127, 2019
Examining the impact of mobile interactivity on customer engagement in the context of mobile shopping
AA Alalwan, RS Algharabat, AM Baabdullah, NP Rana, Z Qasem, ...
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 33 (3), 627-653, 2020
Social commerce in emerging markets and its impact on online community engagement
RS Algharabat, NP Rana
Information Systems Frontiers 23, 1499-1520, 2021
The role of telepresence and user engagement in co-creation value and purchase intention: online retail context
RS Algharabat
Journal of Internet Commerce 17 (1), 1-25, 2018
A systematic review of extant literature in social media in the marketing perspective
AA Alalwan, NP Rana, R Algharabat, A Tarhini
Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: 15th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference …, 2016
Do social media marketing activities improve brand loyalty? An empirical study on luxury fashion brands
AH Fetais, RS Algharabat, A Aljafari, NP Rana
Information Systems Frontiers 25 (2), 795-817, 2023
Virtual agents and flow experience: An empirical examination of AI-powered chatbots
AM Baabdullah, AA Alalwan, RS Algharabat, B Metri, NP Rana
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 181, 121772, 2022
Examining the impact of social commerce dimensions on customers' value cocreation: The mediating effect of social trust
AA Alalwan, RS Algharabat, AM Baabdullah, NP Rana, R Raman, ...
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 18 (6), 431-446, 2019
Using authentic 3D product visualisation for an electrical online retailer
R Algharabat, C Dennis
Journal of Customer Behaviour 9 (2), 97-115, 2010
Adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) based employee experience (EEX) chatbots
R Pillai, Y Ghanghorkar, B Sivathanu, R Algharabat, NP Rana
Information Technology & People 37 (1), 449-478, 2024
Encyclopedia of e-commerce development, implementation, and management
I Lee
IGI global, 2016
Factors influencing the adoption of online shopping in Lebanon: an empirical integration of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology2 and DeLone-McLean model of IS …
A Tarhini, AA Alalwan, RS Algharabat
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 10 (4), 368-388, 2019
Electronic networks and relationship marketing: qualitative evidence from Jordanian travel agencies
GA Al-Weshah, MS Alnsour, K Al-Hyari, F Alhammad, R Algharabat
Journal of Relationship marketing 12 (4), 261-279, 2013
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Articles 1–20