Dr. Jahirul Islam Khandaker
Dr. Jahirul Islam Khandaker
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An ab initio study of the B35 boron nanocluster for application as atmospheric gas (NO, NO2, N2O, NH3) sensor
MA Hossain, MR Hossain, MK Hossain, JI Khandaker, F Ahmed, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 754, 137701, 2020
Structural analysis through cations distributions of diamagnetic Al3+ ions substituted Ni-Zn-Co ferrites
N Jahan, JI Khandaker, SI Liba, SM Hoque, MNI Khan
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 869, 159226, 2021
Officer’s training manual
SMR Amin, CS Nirod, M Moonmoon, J Khandaker, M Rahman
National Mushroom Development and Extension Centre, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh …, 2007
Exploration through Structural, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties of Al3+ Doped Ni–Zn–Co Nanospinel Ferrites
N Jahan, MNI Khan, JI Khandaker
ACS omega 6 (48), 32852-32862, 2021
Performance of natural dyes in dye-sensitized solar cell as photosensitizer
SK Das, S Ganguli, H Kabir, JI Khandaker, F Ahmed
Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials 21, 105-116, 2020
Correlation among the structural, electric and magnetic properties of Al 3+ substituted Ni–Zn–Co ferrites
N Jahan, MNI Khan, MR Hasan, MS Bashar, A Islam, MK Alam, MA Hakim, ...
RSC advances 12 (24), 15167-15179, 2022
Synthesis of metal-oxide (Al2O3) nanoparticles by using Autoclave for the efficient absorption of heavy metal ions
FA R. A. Rabu, N. Jewena, S. K. Das, J. I. Khandaker
Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology 9 (6), 2020
Design and development of instant power supply
A Mehbub, H Kabir, JI Khandaker, MAM Chowdhury
IOSR Journal of Applied Physics 2 (2), 1-4, 2012
Diffusion phenomenon at the interface of Cu-brass under a strong gravitational field
Y Ogata, Y Iguchi, M Tokuda, K Januszko, JI Khandaker, M Ono, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (12), 2015
Ab initio study of P-doped borocarbonitride nanosheet as anode material for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries
F Nazneen, NZ Tanwee, NA Shahed, S Khanom, K Hossain, ...
Materials Today Communications 25, 101409, 2020
Influence of sedimentation of atoms on structural and thermoelectric properties of Bi-Sb alloys
K Januszko, A Stabrawa, Y Ogata, M Tokuda, JI Khandaker, ...
Journal of Electronic Materials 45, 1947-1955, 2016
Hydrothermal synthesis of CuO nanoparticles and a study on property variation with synthesis temperature
JI Khandaker
Journal of Applied and Fundamental Sciences 6 (2), 52, 2020
Thermal and Optical Properties of In and In2O3 Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Pulsed Plasma in Water
Z Kelgenbaeva, JI Khandaker, H Ihara, E Omurzak, S Sulaimankulova, ...
physica status solidi (a) 215 (11), 1700910, 2018
Simulation study of optical properties of transparent CdS thin film using the sellmeier empirical dispersion formula
SK Das, B Alamgir, P Das, JI Khandaker, F Ahmed
Int J Photon Opt Tech 5, 4, 2019
Biomordant assisted natural dyeing of cellulosic fibre: a greener approach
SM Tanvir Ahmed Chowdhury, Jahirul Islam Khandaker, Mohammad Abdul Gafur, Md ...
Materials Research Innovations 2024, 2024
Bandgap Saturation in Room Temperature Synthesized Cobalt Doped ZnS Nanoparticles,
S. K. Das, S.Parvin, U. Honey, M. S. Rana, N.Jewena, J. I. Khandaker, F. Ahmed
Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A 10 (5-6), 2020
Enhancing and strengthening the mechanical properties of polystyrene nanocomposite films using ZnS-dopants for residue free packaging applications
FS Prova, SK Das, MA Gafur, M Arifuzzaman, F Ahmed, H Kabir, ...
Materials Today Communications 38, 108266, 2024
Structural and magnetic properties analysis of trivalent Al3+ ions substituted Ni-Zn-Co nano-spinel ferrites
N Jahan, JI Khandaker, H Das, MNI Khan
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (4), 045001, 2021
Calculation of Control Rod Worth of TRIGA Mark II Reactor Using Evaluated Nuclear Data Library JEFF-3.1. 2
MM Islam, MM Haque, SMA ISLAM, JI Khandaker
Calculation of Control Rod Worth of TRIGA Mark II Reactor Using Evaluated …, 2017
Degradation of Metronidazole from Aqueous Environment Using Hydrothermally Synthesized ZnO, N-Doped ZnO, and ZnO/ AC Nanoparticles
FA Masuma Bagum, Shariful Islam, Easir Arafat Khan, Jahirul Islam Khandaker
Advances in Condensed Matter Physics 2023 (8706698), 13, 2023
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Articles 1–20