Asim Biswas
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Cited by
Estimating soil salinity from remote sensing and terrain data in southern Xinjiang Province, China
J Peng, A Biswas, Q Jiang, R Zhao, J Hu, B Hu, Z Shi
Geoderma 337, 1309-1319, 2019
Soil organic carbon fractions after 16-years of applications of fertilizers and organic manure in a Typic Rhodalfs in semi-arid tropics
K Banger, GS Toor, A Biswas, SS Sidhu, K Sudhir
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 86, 391-399, 2010
A multiscale and multivariate analysis of precipitation and streamflow variability in relation to ENSO, NAO and PDO
D Nalley, J Adamowski, A Biswas, B Gharabaghi, W Hu
Journal of Hydrology 574, 288-307, 2019
Optimizing biochar application to improve soil physical and hydraulic properties in saline-alkali soils
J Liang, Y Li, B Si, Y Wang, X Chen, X Wang, H Chen, H Wang, F Zhang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 771, 144802, 2021
Improved digital soil mapping with multitemporal remotely sensed satellite data fusion: A case study in Iran
S Fathololoumi, AR Vaezi, SK Alavipanah, A Ghorbani, D Saurette, ...
Science of the Total Environment 721, 137703, 2020
Multi-algorithm comparison for predicting soil salinity
F Wang, Z Shi, A Biswas, S Yang, J Ding
Geoderma 365, 114211, 2020
Effect of rice-husk biochar on selected soil properties in tropical Alfisols
DNV Gamage, RB Mapa, RS Dharmakeerthi, A Biswas
Soil Research 54 (3), 302-310, 2016
Simultaneous measurement of multiple soil properties through proximal sensor data fusion: A case study
W Ji, VI Adamchuk, S Chen, ASM Su, A Ismail, Q Gan, Z Shi, A Biswas
Geoderma 341, 111-128, 2019
Identifying scale specific controls of soil water storage in a hummocky landscape using wavelet coherency
A Biswas, BC Si
Geoderma 165 (1), 50-59, 2011
Estimating forest soil organic carbon content using vis-NIR spectroscopy: Implications for large-scale soil carbon spectroscopic assessment
S Liu, H Shen, S Chen, X Zhao, A Biswas, X Jia, Z Shi, J Fang
Geoderma 348, 37-44, 2019
Sampling designs for validating digital soil maps: a review
A Biswas, Y Zhang
Pedosphere 28 (1), 1-15, 2018
Quantifying dual recharge mechanisms in deep unsaturated zone of Chinese Loess Plateau using stable isotopes
W Xiang, BC Si, A Biswas, Z Li
Geoderma 337, 773-781, 2019
Revealing the controls of soil water storage at different scales in a hummocky landscape
A Biswas, BC Si
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (4), 1295-1306, 2011
Driving factors and future prediction of land use and cover change based on satellite remote sensing data by the LCM model: a case study from Gansu province, China
K Li, M Feng, A Biswas, H Su, Y Niu, J Cao
Sensors 20 (10), 2757, 2020
Assessment of soil properties in situ using a prototype portable MIR spectrometer in two agricultural fields
W Ji, VI Adamchuk, A Biswas, NM Dhawale, B Sudarsan, Y Zhang, ...
Biosystems engineering 152, 14-27, 2016
Comparison of different irrigation methods to synergistically improve maize’s yield, water productivity and economic benefits in an arid irrigation area
T Zhang, Y Zou, I Kisekka, A Biswas, H Cai
Agricultural Water Management 243, 106497, 2021
Predicting soil texture from smartphone-captured digital images and an application
RK Swetha, P Bende, K Singh, S Gorthi, A Biswas, B Li, DC Weindorf, ...
Geoderma 376, 114562, 2020
Integrating remote sensing and landscape characteristics to estimate soil salinity using machine learning methods: A case study from Southern Xinjiang, China
N Wang, J Xue, J Peng, A Biswas, Y He, Z Shi
Remote Sensing 12 (24), 4118, 2020
Assessing the effects of ecological engineering on spatiotemporal dynamics of carbon storage from 2000 to 2016 in the Loess Plateau area using the InVEST model: A case study in …
K Li, J Cao, JF Adamowski, A Biswas, J Zhou, Y Liu, Y Zhang, C Liu, ...
Environmental Development 39, 100641, 2021
Drivers of spatio-temporal changes in paddy soil pH in Jiangxi Province, China from 1980 to 2010
X Guo, H Li, H Yu, W Li, Y Ye, A Biswas
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 2702, 2018
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