Craig Trumbo
Craig Trumbo
Colorado State University (Retired)
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Comparative response to a survey executed by post, e-mail, & web form
GW Yun, CW Trumbo
Journal of computer-mediated communication 6 (1), JCMC613, 2000
Constructing climate change: Claims and frames in US news coverage of an environmental issue
C Trumbo
Public understanding of science 5 (3), 269, 1996
The function of credibility in information processing for risk perception
CW Trumbo, KA McComas
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 23 (2), 343-353, 2003
Information processing and risk perception: An adaptation of the heuristic-systematic model
CW Trumbo
Journal of communication 52 (2), 367-382, 2002
Heuristic‐systematic information processing and risk judgment
CW Trumbo
Risk Analysis 19 (3), 391-400, 1999
Longitudinal Modeling of Public Issues: An Application of th Agenda-Setting Process to the Issue of Global Warming
C Trumbo
Journalism and Communication Monographs 152, 1995
Intention to conserve water: Environmental values, planned behavior, and information effects. A comparison of three communities sharing a watershed
C W. Trumbo, Garrett J. O'Keefe
Society & Natural Resources 14 (10), 889-899, 2001
The effects of past hurricane experiences on evacuation intentions through risk perception and efficacy beliefs: A mediation analysis
JL Demuth, RE Morss, JK Lazo, C Trumbo
Weather, Climate, and Society 8 (4), 327-344, 2016
Source credibility in environmental health–risk controversies: Application of meyer's credibility index
KA McComas, CW Trumbo
Risk Analysis 21 (3), 467-480, 2001
Intention to conserve water: Environmental values, reasoned action, and information effects across time
CW Trumbo, GJ O'Keefe
Society and Natural Resources 18 (6), 573-585, 2005
Use and perception of electronic cigarettes among college students
CW Trumbo, R Harper
Journal of American College Health 61 (3), 149-155, 2013
The effect of proximity to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on subsequent hurricane outlook and optimistic bias
C Trumbo, M Lueck, H Marlatt, L Peek
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 31 (12), 1907-1918, 2011
Social research on climate change: where we havebeen, where we are, and where we might go
CW Trumbo, J Shanahan
Public understanding of science 9 (3), 199, 2000
A cognitive‐affective scale for hurricane risk perception
CW Trumbo, L Peek, MA Meyer, HL Marlatt, E Gruntfest, BD McNoldy, ...
Risk analysis 36 (12), 2233-2246, 2016
Research methods in mass communication research: A census of eight journals 1990–2000
CW Trumbo
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 81 (2), 417-436, 2004
An assessment of change in risk perception and optimistic bias for hurricanes among Gulf Coast residents
C Trumbo, MA Meyer, H Marlatt, L Peek, B Morrissey
Risk analysis 34 (6), 1013-1024, 2014
The effect of electronic cigarette advertising on intended use among college students
CW Trumbo
Addictive Behaviors 46, 77-81, 2015
Examining psychometrics and polarization in a single‐risk case study
CW Trumbo
Risk Analysis 16 (3), 429-438, 1996
Why citizens do and do not attend public meetings about local cancer cluster investigations
KA McComas, JC Besley, CW Trumbo
Policy Studies Journal 34 (4), 671-698, 2006
Public requests for cancer cluster investigations: a survey of state health departments.
CW Trumbo
American Journal of Public Health 90 (8), 1300, 2000
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Articles 1–20