George Bailey
Cited by
Cited by
Automatic detection of sociolinguistic variation using forced alignment
G Bailey
Multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility: Estimating degrees of freedom in human-speech analyses
S Coretta, JV Casillas, S Roessig, M Franke, B Ahn, AH Al-Hoorie, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (3 …, 2023
Emerging from below the social radar: Incipient evaluation in the North West of England
G Bailey
Journal of Sociolinguistics 23 (1), 3-28, 2019
Ki (ng) in the north: Effects of duration, boundary and pause on post-nasal [ɡ]-presence
G Bailey
Laboratory Phonology, 2019
A constant rate effect in Manchester/t/-glottalling: high-frequency words are ahead of, but change at the same rate as, low-frequency words
R Bermúdez-Otero, M Baranowski, G Bailey, D Turton
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (6), 1176-90, 2015
Variation and change in Northern English velar nasals: Production and perception
G Bailey
PQDT-Global, 2019
Our dialects: Mapping variation in English in the UK
L MacKenzie, G Bailey
Crowdsourcing dialectology in the undergraduate classroom
L MacKenzie, G Bailey, D Turton
Methods in Dialectology XV, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 2014
Affrication as the cause of /s/-retraction: Evidence from Manchester English
G Bailey, S Nichols, D Turton, M Baranowski
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7 (1), 2022
Towards an updated dialect atlas of British English
L MacKenzie, G Bailey, D Turton
Journal of Linguistic Geography 10 (1), 46-66, 2022
Insertion and deletion in Northern English (ng): Interacting innovations in the life cycle of phonological processes
G Bailey
Journal of Linguistics 57 (3), 465-497, 2021
The graphical representation of phonological dialect features of the North of England on social media
A Nini, G Bailey, D Guo, J Grieve
Dialect writing and the North of England, 266-96, 2020
A [ʃ] triking change in Manchester English
G Bailey, S Nichols, M Baranowski, D Turton
UK Language Variation and Change 12, 2019
When sound change isn’t led by social change: The case of Northern English (ng)
G Bailey
Philological Society meeting on ‘Language change in its socio-historical …, 2018
Velar nasal plus in the north of (ing) land
G Bailey
New Ways of Analyzing Variation 45, Simon Fraser University, 2016
Orthographic reflections of (ing): a Twitter-based corpus study
G Bailey
Manchester Forum in Linguistics (Manchester: University of Manchester), 2015
What can Twitter tell us about the language diversity of Greater Manchester
G Bailey, J Goggins, T Ingham
Report by Multilingual Manchester. School of Languages, Linguistics and …, 2013
Language change is wicked: semantic and social meaning of a polysemous adjective
RJ Sandow, G Bailey, N Braber
English Language & Linguistics 28 (1), 135-156, 2024
Revealing covert articulation in s-retraction
S Nichols, G Bailey
Talk given at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great …, 2018
Ahead but not faster: the effect of high token frequency on sound change
M Baranowski, R Bermúdez-Otero, G Bailey, D Turton
NWAV-45, 4th November, 2016
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Articles 1–20