Santiago Balseiro
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Cited by
An ant colony algorithm hybridized with insertion heuristics for the time dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows
SR Balseiro, I Loiseau, J Ramonet
Computers & Operations Research 38 (6), 954-966, 2011
Learning in repeated auctions with budgets: Regret minimization and equilibrium
SR Balseiro, Y Gur
Management Science 65 (9), 3952-3968, 2019
Online display advertising markets: A literature review and future directions
H Choi, CF Mela, SR Balseiro, A Leary
Information Systems Research 31 (2), 556-575, 2020
Repeated auctions with budgets in ad exchanges: Approximations and design
SR Balseiro, O Besbes, GY Weintraub
Management Science 61 (4), 864-884, 2015
Yield optimization of display advertising with ad exchange
S Balseiro, J Feldman, V Mirrokni, S Muthukrishnan
Proceedings of the 12th ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 27-28, 2011
Dual mirror descent for online allocation problems
S Balseiro, H Lu, V Mirrokni
International Conference on Machine Learning, 613-628, 2020
Budget management strategies in repeated auctions
S Balseiro, A Kim, M Mahdian, V Mirrokni
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, 15-23, 2017
Dynamic pricing of relocating resources in large networks
SR Balseiro, DB Brown, C Chen
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 47 (1), 29-30, 2019
Robust auction design in the auto-bidding world
S Balseiro, Y Deng, J Mao, V Mirrokni, S Zuo
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 17777-17788, 2021
The landscape of auto-bidding auctions: Value versus utility maximization
SR Balseiro, Y Deng, J Mao, VS Mirrokni, S Zuo
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 132-133, 2021
Regularized online allocation problems: Fairness and beyond
S Balseiro, H Lu, V Mirrokni
International Conference on Machine Learning, 630-639, 2021
Contextual bandits with cross-learning
S Balseiro, N Golrezaei, M Mahdian, V Mirrokni, J Schneider
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32, 2019
Multiagent mechanism design without money
SR Balseiro, H Gurkan, P Sun
Operations Research 67 (5), 1417-1436, 2019
Optimal contracts for intermediaries in online advertising
SR Balseiro, O Candogan
Operations Research 65 (4), 878-896, 2017
Dynamic mechanisms with martingale utilities
SR Balseiro, VS Mirrokni, RP Leme
Management Science 64 (11), 5062-5082, 2018
Survey of dynamic resource-constrained reward collection problems: Unified model and analysis
SR Balseiro, O Besbes, D Pizarro
Operations Research 72 (5), 2168-2189, 2024
Approximations to stochastic dynamic programs via information relaxation duality
SR Balseiro, DB Brown
Operations Research 67 (2), 577-597, 2019
Dynamic double auctions: Toward first best
SR Balseiro, V Mirrokni, RP Leme, S Zuo
Operations Research 70 (4), 2299-2317, 2022
Contextual standard auctions with budgets: Revenue equivalence and efficiency guarantees
S Balseiro, C Kroer, R Kumar
Management Science 69 (11), 6837-6854, 2023
Revenue management of consumer options for tournaments
S Balseiro, C Göçmen, R Phillips, G Gallego
Technical report, Columbia University, New York, NY, 2010
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Articles 1–20