Philip McCarthy
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Cited by
Automated evaluation of text and discourse with Coh-Metrix
DS McNamara, AC Graesser, PM McCarthy, Z Cai
Cambridge University Press, 2014
MTLD, vocd-D, and HD-D: A validation study of sophisticated approaches to lexical diversity assessment
PM McCarthy, S Jarvis
Behavior research methods 42 (2), 381-392, 2010
Linguistic features of writing quality
DS McNamara, SA Crossley, PM McCarthy
Written communication 27 (1), 57-86, 2010
A linguistic analysis of simplified and authentic texts
SA Crossley, MM Louwerse, PM McCarthy, DS McNamara
The Modern Language Journal 91 (1), 15-30, 2007
vocd: A theoretical and empirical evaluation
PM McCarthy, S Jarvis
Language Testing 24 (4), 459-488, 2007
Coh-Metrix: Capturing linguistic features of cohesion
DS McNamara, MM Louwerse, PM McCarthy, AC Graesser
Discourse Processes 47 (4), 292-330, 2010
An assessment of the range and usefulness of lexical diversity measures and the potential of the measure of textual, lexical diversity (MTLD)
PM McCarthy
The University of Memphis, 2005
Variation in language and cohesion across written and spoken registers
MM Louwerse, PM McCarthy, DS McNamara, AC Graesser
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 26 (26), 2004
Analyzing Writing Styles with Coh-Metrix.
PM McCarthy, GA Lewis, DF Dufty, DS McNamara
FLAIRS, 764-769, 2006
Toward a new readability: A mixed model approach
SA Crossley, DF Dufty, PM McCarthy, DS McNamara
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 29 (29), 2007
Paraphrase Identification with Lexico-Syntactic Graph Subsumption.
V Rus, PM McCarthy, MC Lintean, DS McNamara, AC Graesser
FLAIRS, 201-206, 2008
The linguistic correlates of conversational deception: Comparing natural language processing technologies
ND Duran, C Hall, PM McCarthy, DS McNamara
Applied psycholinguistics 31 (3), 439-462, 2010
The components of paraphrase evaluations
PM McCarthy, RH Guess, DS McNamara
Behavior Research Methods 41 (3), 682-690, 2009
Using temporal cohesion to predict temporal coherence in narrative and expository texts
ND Duran, PM McCarthy, AC Graesser, DS McNamara
Behavior Research Methods 39, 212-223, 2007
The linguistic features of quality writing
DS McNamara, SA Crossley, PM McCarthy
Written Communication 27 (1), 57-86, 2010
The Writing-Pal: Natural language algorithms to support intelligent tutoring on writing strategies
DS McNamara, R Raine, R Roscoe, SA Crossley, GT Jackson, J Dai, ...
K-12 Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 780-793, 2014
Using LSA to automatically identify givenness and newness of noun phrases in written discourse
Z Cai, D Dufty, AC Graesser, CF Hempelmann, PM McCarthy, ...
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 27 (27), 2005
Textual signatures: Identifying text-types using latent semantic analysis to measure the cohesion of text structures
PM McCarthy, SW Briner, V Rus, DS McNamara
Natural language processing and text mining, 107-122, 2007
Applied natural language processing: Identification, investigation, and resolution
PM McCarthy, C Boonthum-Denecke
(No Title), 2012
The Gramulator: A tool to identify differential linguistic features of correlative text types
PM McCarthy, S Watanabe, TA Lamkin
Applied natural language processing: Identification, investigation and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20