Michael Gonin
Cited by
Cited by
Managing social-business tensions: A review and research agenda for social enterprise
WK Smith, M Gonin, ML Besharov
Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (3), 407-442, 2013
Neither bad apple nor bad barrel: How the societal context impacts unethical behavior in organizations
M Gonin, G Palazzo, U Hoffrage
Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (1), 31-46, 2012
Adam Smith’s Contribution to Business Ethics, Then and Now
M Gonin
Journal of Business Ethics 129 (1), 221-236, 2015
Business research, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the inherent responsibility of scholars
M Gonin
Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1), 33-58, 2007
“Social Enterprise in Switzerland: An Overview of Existing Streams, Practices and Institutional Structures
M Gonin, N Gachet …, 2015
Toward a Statistically Robust Assessment of Social and Solidarity Economy Actors. Conceptual Development and Empirical Validation. EMES-SOCENT Conference Selected Papers, Nr
M Gonin, JC Zuchuat, N Gachet, L Houmard
ECSP-LG13-71. Online: http://iap-socent. be/emes-socent-conference-papers …, 2013
L'entrepreneuriat dans l'économie sociale et solidaire: Plus qu'on ne le pense!
M Gonin, N Gachet, JP Lachance
Revue économique et sociale 71 (1), 23-39, 2013
Holistic Approach to Sufficient, Reliable, and Efficient Electricity Supply in Hospitals of Developing Countries: Cameroon Case Study
GM Ngounou, M Gonin, N Gachet, N Crettenand
Sustainable Access to Energy in the Global South, 59-77, 2015
La gouvernance participative dans les coopératives
N Gachet, M Gonin
Université de Lausanne (ouvrage édité), 2013
Die Trennung des Unternehmens vom Bürger – eine historisch-kritische Perspektive
M Gonin
E. Patry & P. Ulrich (Eds.) Marktwirtschaft als Teil einer …, 2006
La coopérative, un modèle d’avenir ? Colloque interdisciplinaire sur le présent et devenir des coopératives en suisse romande
N Gachet, M Gonin
Université de Lausanne (ouvrage édité), 2014
Raising the Level of Moral Thinking among Managers Will Not Help. Kohlberg's Conventionality and Systemic Ethical Flaws in Business
M Gonin, G Palazzo
B. Rok & J. Sokolowska (Eds.) Tradition and New Horizons: Towards the Virtue …, 2012
A Two-Dimensional Mapping of Socio-Economic Organizations
M Gonin, N Gachet
3rd EMES Conference, Roskilde, DK, 2011
Tackling Unethical Behavior in Organizations by Integrating Multiple Approaches
M Gonin
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 11069, 2015
Auswirkungen des Social-Entrepreneurship-Trends für das Sozialmanagement in der Schweiz
M Gonin
Soziale Versorgung zukunftsfähig gestalten, 143-150, 2015
The Social Disembedding of Business Theory and Practice: A (Neo-) Institutional Analysis of the Homo Economicus and Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Inherent …
M Gonin
HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne, 2008
It is Better to Change the Context than the Individual: Kohlberg’s Teaching for Economic Morality
M Gonin
B. Wempe & J. M. Logsdon (Eds.) IABS 2007 Proceedings, 33-38, 2007
Toward a comprehensive conceptualization of business organizations and their members from a sensemaking perspective. Lessons learned from Picassoâeuro? s cubism
M Gonin
28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, July 2012 Sub-Theme 26: Exploring the …, 2012
Work Meaningfulness as a Key Enhancer of Ethical Values in Business
M Gonin, S Swaton
Fifth International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE) World …, 2012
Sozialunternehmen und die Reintegration der losgelösten Wirtschaft in ihren sozionormativen Kontext
M Gonin
Wirtschaftsethik kontrovers: Positionen aus Theorie und Praxis 5, 103, 2012
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Articles 1–20