Katharina Ebner
Cited by
Cited by
Think big with big data: Identifying suitable big data strategies in corporate environments
K Ebner, T Bühnen, N Urbach
2014 47th Hawaii International conference on system sciences, 3748-3757, 2014
From acceptance to outcome: Towards an integrative framework for information technology adoption
C Sorgenfrei, K Ebner, S Smolnik, ME Jennex
Influence of high inorganic selenium and manganese diets for fattening pigs on oxidative stability and pork quality parameters
C Schwarz, KM Ebner, F Furtner, S Duller, W Wetscherek, W Wernert, ...
Animal 11 (2), 345-353, 2017
Exploring the path to success: A review of the strategic IT benchmarking literature
K Ebner, N Urbach, B Mueller
Information & Management 53 (4), 447-466, 2016
Does the IS artifact matter in sociomateriality research? A literature review of empirical studies
S Weißenfels, K Ebner, S Dittes, S Smolnik
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 1997-2006, 2016
Assessing IT Management's Performance: A Design Theory for Strategic IT Benchmarking
K Ebner, B Mueller, N Urbach, G Riempp, H Krcmar
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 63 (1), 113-126, 2016
Understanding the success of strategic IT/IS benchmarking: results from a multiple-case study
B Mueller, F Ahlemann, K Roeder
Understanding the success of strategic IT benchmarking—Exploring the role of the individual level
K Ebner, B Mueller, F Ahlemann
Information & Management, 2019
FinTechs–eine analyse des marktes und seines bedrohungspotenzials für etablierte finanzdienstleister
S Reinig, K Ebner, S Smolnik
Springer, 2018
Are you responsible for traffic congestion? A systematic review of the socio-technical perspective of smart mobility services
K Ebner, P Mattes, S Smolnik
Alles eine Frage der Daten?
K Ebner, S Smolnik
Controlling 27 (4-5), 249-255, 2015
Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments and Adaptive Learning Systems-Development of Functionality Taxonomies.
A Bockshecker, K Ebner, S Smolnik
HICSS, 1-10, 2022
Guerilla marketing using social media as a success strategy in crowdfunding campaigns: towards a research model
E Jährig, K Ebner, O Hornung, S Smolnik
Spielerisch zum Ziel: Initiale Designprinzipien für die nachhaltige Gestaltung von Smart-Mobility-Apps auf Basis einer Marktanalyse.
C Anschütz, K Ebner, S Smolnik
Wirtschaftsinformatik (Zentrale Tracks), 538-553, 2020
Free ride in rush-hour traffic–Designing gamified smart mobility systems for sustainable use
C Anschütz, K Ebner, S Smolnik
Der Einsatz problembasierten Lernens im Blended-Learning-Studienmodell zur Erhöhung der Lernaktivität
A Bockshecker, K Ebner, S Smolnik, C Anschütz
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 58 (6), 1420, 2021
Making Strategic IT/IS Management Comparable: Designing an Instrument for Strategic IT/IS Benchmarking.
K Ebner, G Riempp, B Müller, N Urbach, H Krcmar
MKWI, 889-904, 2012
Size does matter: A maturity model for the special needs of small and medium-sized smart cities
C Anschütz, K Ebner, S Smolnik
Cities 150, 104998, 2024
STREAM–Ein Smart-Mobility-System zur langfristigen Einbindung von Pendlern
K Ebner, C Anschütz, S Smolnik
Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität: Technische und betriebswirtschaftliche …, 2020
Bedrohung von Finanzdienstleistern durch FinTechs
S Reinig, K Ebner, S Smolnik
Blockchain: Grundlagen, Anwendungsszenarien und Nutzungspotenziale, 111-134, 2020
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Articles 1–20