Lynne Kiesling
Cited by
Cited by
Pacific northwest gridwise™ testbed demonstration projects; part i. olympic peninsula project
DJ Hammerstrom, R Ambrosio, TA Carlon, JG DeSteese, GR Horst, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2008
Institutional choice matters: The Poor Law and implicit labor contracts in Victorian Lancashire
LL Kiesling
Explorations in Economic History 33 (1), 65-85, 1996
Peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy: A systematic literature review of local energy market models
T Capper, A Gorbatcheva, MA Mustafa, M Bahloul, JM Schwidtal, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 162, 112403, 2022
Pacific northwest gridwise testbed demonstration projects
DJ Hammerstrom, R Ambrosio, J Brous, TA Carlon, DP Chassin, ...
Part I. Olympic Peninsula Project 210, 2007
The Black Death and property rights
DD Haddock, L Kiesling
The Journal of Legal Studies 31 (S2), S545-S587, 2002
Emerging business models in local energy markets: A systematic review of peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy models
JM Schwidtal, P Piccini, M Troncia, R Chitchyan, M Montakhabi, C Francis, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 179, 113273, 2023
Decentralized coordination through digital technology, dynamic pricing, and customer-driven control: The gridwise testbed demonstration project
DP Chassin, L Kiesling
The Electricity Journal 21 (8), 51-59, 2008
Deregulation, innovation and market liberalization: Electricity regulation in a continually evolving environment
LL Kiesling
Routledge, 2008
Private risk and social resilience in liberalized electricity markets
J Mays, MT Craig, L Kiesling, JC Macey, B Shaffer, H Shu
Joule 6 (2), 369-380, 2022
The knowledge problem
L Kiesling
The oxford handbook of Austrian economics, 45-64, 2015
Implications of smart grid innovation for organizational models in electricity distribution
LL Kiesling
Forthcoming, Wiley Handbook of Smart Grid Development, 2015
Mirror neuron research and Adam Smith’s concept of sympathy: Three points of correspondence
LL Kiesling
The Review of Austrian Economics 25, 299-313, 2012
Hayek and the Texas blackout
S Littlechild, L Kiesling
The Electricity Journal 34 (6), 106969, 2021
Toward a market epistemology of the platform economy
L Kiesling
Austrian economics: The next generation, 45-70, 2018
Electric network reliability as a public good
L Kiesling, M Giberson
Perspectives 11 (3), 1-7, 1997
An experimental analysis of the effects of automated mitigation procedures on investment and prices in wholesale electricity markets
L Kiesling, BJ Wilson
Journal of Regulatory Economics 31, 313-334, 2007
Explaining the rise in antebellum pauperism, 1850–1860: New evidence
LL Kiesling, RA Margo
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 37 (2), 405-417, 1997
Plug-and-play, mix-and-match: a capital systems theory of digital technology platforms
L Kiesling
The Review of Austrian Economics 34 (1), 13-32, 2021
Electricity restructuring: the Texas story
AN Kleit, LL Kiesling
Books, 2009
A market-based model for ISO-sponsored demand response programs
V Smith, L Kiesling
A white paper prepared for the multi-client study, 2005
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Articles 1–20