Qian Feng
Qian Feng
Palo Alto Networks
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Cited by
Neural network-based graph embedding for cross-platform binary code similarity detection
X Xu, C Liu, Q Feng, H Yin, L Song, D Song
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2017
Scalable graph-based bug search for firmware images
Q Feng, R Zhou, C Xu, Y Cheng, B Testa, H Yin
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2016
Towards automatic generation of security-centric descriptions for android apps
M Zhang, Y Duan, Q Feng, H Yin
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2015
Extracting conditional formulas for cross-platform bug search
Q Feng, M Wang, M Zhang, R Zhou, A Henderson, H Yin
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia conference on computer and …, 2017
Efficient deep web crawling using reinforcement learning
L Jiang, Z Wu, Q Feng, J Liu, Q Zheng
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 14th Pacific-Asia …, 2010
SpecTaint: Speculative Taint Analysis for Discovering Spectre Gadgets.
Z Qi, Q Feng, Y Cheng, M Yan, P Li, H Yin, T Wei
NDSS, 1-14, 2021
Security importance assessment for system objects and malware detection
W Mao, Z Cai, D Towsley, Q Feng, X Guan
Computers & Security 68, 47-68, 2017
A performance comparison of the ad hoc network protocols
Q Feng, Z Cai, J Yang, X Hu
2009 Second International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering 2 …, 2009
Mace: High-coverage and robust memory analysis for commodity operating systems
Q Feng, A Prakash, H Yin, Z Lin
Proceedings of the 30th annual computer security applications conference …, 2014
Origen: Automatic extraction of offset-revealing instructions for cross-version memory analysis
Q Feng, A Prakash, M Wang, C Carmony, H Yin
Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia conference on computer and …, 2016
Learning binary representation for automatic patch detection
Q Feng, R Zhou, Y Zhao, J Ma, Y Wang, N Yu, X Jin, J Wang, A Azab, ...
2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC …, 2019
Generic verification approach for Protobuf based projects
Q Feng, Y Zhang, P Wang, Y Ding, T Wei
US Patent 10,732,944, 2020
Machine learning-based value-range pruning for directed fuzzing
Q Feng, Z Chen, Z Zhong, K Li
US Patent App. 17/715,827, 2023
Method, device and computer-readable storage medium for guiding symbolic execution
Q Feng, GUO Shengjian, P Li, M Wang, Y Zhang, T Wei
US Patent 11,119,892, 2021
The Scalable and Accountable Binary Code Search And its Applications
Q Feng
Syracuse University, 2017
File-Process Dependency Network and Malware Detection
W Mao, Z Cai, X Guan, Q Feng
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Articles 1–16