Brian Dillon
Brian Dillon
Assistant Professor, Dyson School, Cornell University
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Cited by
Agricultural factor markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: An updated view with formal tests for market failure
B Dillon, CB Barrett
Food policy 67, 64-77, 2017
Global oil prices and local food prices: Evidence from East Africa
BM Dillon, CB Barrett
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98 (1), 154-171, 2016
Using mobile phones to collect panel data in developing countries
B Dillon
Journal of International Development, 2012
How competitive are crop markets in sub‐Saharan Africa?
B Dillon, C Dambro
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99 (5), 1344-1361, 2017
Widows' land rights and agricultural investment
B Dillon, A Voena
Journal of Development Economics 135, 449-460, 2018
Selling crops early to pay for school: A large-scale natural experiment in Malawi
B Dillon
Journal of Human Resources 56 (4), 1296-1325, 2021
Asymmetric Non-Separation and Rural Labor Markets
B Dillon, P Brummund, G Mwabu
Agricultural factor markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: an updated view with formal tests for market failure
B Dillon, CB Barrett
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
Growing and learning when consumption is seasonal: long-term evidence from Tanzania
P Christian, B Dillon
Demography 55 (3), 1091-1118, 2018
eKichabi: information access through basic mobile phones in rural Tanzania
G Weld, T Perrier, J Aker, JE Blumenstock, B Dillon, A Kamanzi, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Paying More for Less: Why Don’t Households in Tanzania Take Advantage of Bulk Discounts?
B Dillon, J De Weerdt, T O’Donoghue
The World Bank Economic Review 35 (1), 148-179, 2021
How important is the yellow pages? experimental evidence from tanzania
JC Aker, JE Blumenstock, B Dillon
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14489, 2020
Private information and dynamic risk
B Dillon
Mimeo, 2016
The structural transformation of rural Africa: On the current state of African food systems and rural nonfarm economies
C Barrett, L Christiaensen, M Sheahan, A Shimeles, BM Reardon, ...
A paper prepared for the African economic research consortium’s bieannual …, 2015
Search costs and relational contracting: The impact of a digital phonebook on small business supply chains
J Rudder, B Dillon
University of California, Davis, Mimeo, 2020
Demand, supply and long-term adoption: Evidence from a storage technology in West Africa
JC Aker, B Dillon, CJ Welch
Journal of Development Economics 165, 103129, 2023
From Grasshoppers to Secondhand Cars: Understanding the Smartphone-Enabled Marketplace in Peri-urban Tanzania
A Raghunath, L Krovetz, H Mpogole, H Mulisa, B Dillon, R Anderson
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
Experimental evidence on the impact of payments and property rights on forest user decisions
OS Rakotonarivo, A Bell, B Dillon, AB Duthie, A Kipchumba, ...
Frontiers in Conservation Science 2, 661987, 2021
Measuring subjective probability distributions
B Dillon
working paper, 2016
How complete are labor markets in East Africa
B Dillon, P Brummund, G Mwabu
Evidence from Panel Data in Four Countries. GLM| LIC Working Paper, 2017
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Articles 1–20