Alfred Marcus
Alfred Marcus
Professor, University of Minnesota Carlson School
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Embedded Ties and the Acquisition of Competitive Capabilities
B McEvily, A Marcus
Strategic Management Journal 26 (11), 1033-1055, 2005
Victims and shareholders: The dilemmas of presenting corporate policy during a crisis
AA Marcus, RS Goodman
Academy of management journal 34 (2), 281-305, 1991
Green Management Matters Regardless
AM Alfred, RF Adam
The Academy of Management Perspectives 23 (3), 17-26, 2009
Rules Versus Discretion: The Productivity Consequences of Flexible Regulation
SK Majumdar, AA Marcus
Academy of Management Journal 44 (1), 170-179, 2001
Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Implementing a Replicable Management Standard:Installing and Using ISO 9000
E Naveh, A Marcus
Journal of Operations Management 24 (1), 1-26, 2005
Introduction to the Special Research Rorum on the Management of Organizations in the Natural Environment: A Field Emerging from Multiple Paths, with Many Challenges Ahead
M Starik, AA Marcus
Academy of Management Journal 43 (4), 539-547, 2000
After greenwashing: Symbolic corporate environmentalism and society
F Bowen
Cambridge University Press, 2014
The Deterrent to Dubious Corporate Behavior: Profitability, Probability and Safety Recalls
A Marcus
Strategic Management Journal 10 (3), 233-250, 1989
The effects of mandatory and voluntary regulatory pressures on firms’ environmental strategies: A review and recommendations for future research
JA Aragòn-Correa, AA Marcus, D Vogel
Academy of Management Annals 14 (1), 339-365, 2020
Green Schemes: Corporate Environmental Strategies and their Implementation
J Maxwell, S Rothenberg, F Briscoe, A Marcus
California Management Review 39, 118-134, 1997
Signaling by early stage startups: US government research grants and venture capital funding
M Islam, A Fremeth, A Marcus
Journal of Business Venturing 33 (1), 35-51, 2018
A general dynamic capability: does it propagate business and social competencies in the retail food industry?
MH Marcus, A. A., & Anderson
Journal of Management Studies 43 (1), 19-46, 2006
The regulation dilemma: Cooperation and conflict in environmental governance
M Potoski, A Prakash
Public Administration Review 64 (2), 152-163, 2004
The Dialectics of Competency Acquisition: Pollution Prevention in Electric Generation
A Marcus, D Geffen
Strategic Management Journal 19 (12), 1145-1168, 1998
When Does the ISO 9000 Quality Assurance Standard Lead to Performance Improvement? Assimilation and Going Beyond
E Naveh, AA Marcus
Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on 51 (3), 352-363, 2004
On the Edge: Heeding the Warnings of Unusual Events
AA Marcus, ML Nichols
Organization Science 10 (4), 482-499, 1999
The natural environmental strategies of international firms: Old controversies and new evidence on performance and disclosure
JA Aragón-Correa, A Marcus, N Hurtado-Torres
Academy of Management Perspectives 30 (1), 24-39, 2016
The Causes and Consequences of Leveraged Management Buyouts
I Fox, A Marcus
Academy of Management Review 17 (1), 62-85, 1992
In Search of Sustainability in Management Education
M Starik, G Rands, AA Marcus, TS Clark
Academy of Management Learning & Education 9 (3), 377-383, 2010
Implementing Externally Induced Innovations: A Comparison of Rule-bound and Autonomous Approaches
AA Marcus
Academy of Management Journal 31 (2), 235-256, 1988
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Articles 1–20