Christian Kiewitz
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Cited by
In pursuit of power: The role of authoritarian leadership in the relationship between supervisors’ Machiavellianism and subordinates’ perceptions of abusive supervisory behavior
K Kiazad, SLD Restubog, TJ Zagenczyk, C Kiewitz, RL Tang
Journal of Research in Personality 44 (4), 512-519, 2010
Value attainment: An explanation for the negative effects of work–family conflict on job and life satisfaction.
PL Perrewé, WA Hochwarter, C Kiewitz
Journal of occupational health psychology 4 (4), 318, 1999
Cognitions, emotions, and evaluations: An elaboration likelihood model for workplace aggression
SC Douglas, C Kiewitz, MJ Martinko, P Harvey, Y Kim, JU Chun
Academy of Management Review 33 (2), 425-451, 2008
Suffering in silence: Investigating the role of fear in the relationship between abusive supervision and defensive silence.
C Kiewitz, SLD Restubog, MK Shoss, PRJM Garcia, RL Tang
Journal of applied psychology 101 (5), 731, 2016
Organizational justice: A behavioral science concept with critical implications for business ethics and stakeholder theory
LRT Hosmer, C Kiewitz
Business ethics quarterly 15 (1), 67-91, 2005
The interactive effects of psychological contract breach and organizational politics on perceived organizational support: Evidence from two longitudinal studies
C Kiewitz, SLD Restubog, T Zagenczyk, W Hochwarter
Journal of management studies 46 (5), 806-834, 2009
Coworkers behaving badly: The impact of coworker deviant behavior upon individual employees
SL Robinson, W Wang, C Kiewitz
Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav. 1 (1), 123-143, 2014
Beyond self-efficacy: Interactive effects of role conflict and perceived collective efficacy
KL Zellars, WA Hochwarter, PL Perrewe, AK Miles, C Kiewitz
Journal of Managerial Issues, 483-499, 2001
Mentors, supervisors and role models: do they reduce the effects of psychological contract breach?
TJ Zagenczyk, R Gibney, C Kiewitz, SLD Restubog
Human Resource Management Journal 19 (3), 237-259, 2009
Psychological contracts as a mediator between Machiavellianism and employee citizenship and deviant behaviors
TJ Zagenczyk, SLD Restubog, C Kiewitz, K Kiazad, RL Tang
Journal of Management 40 (4), 1098-1122, 2014
Sins of the parents: Self-control as a buffer between supervisors' previous experience of family undermining and subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision
C Kiewitz, SLD Restubog, TJ Zagenczyk, KD Scott, PRJM Garcia, ...
The Leadership Quarterly 23 (5), 869-882, 2012
Goal orientations and performance: Differential relationships across levels of analysis and as a function of task demands.
G Yeo, S Loft, T Xiao, C Kiewitz
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (3), 710, 2009
A note on the nonlinearity of the age‐job‐satisfaction relationship
WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, LA Witt, C Kiewitz
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 31 (6), 1223-1237, 2001
What is too much or too little? The curvilinear effects of job tension on turnover intent, value attainment, and job satisfaction
S Zivnuska, C Kiewitz, WA Hochwarter, PL Perrewé, KL Zellars
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32 (7), 1344-1360, 2002
The impact of vocational and social efficacy on job performance and career satisfaction
WA Hochwarter, C Kiewitz, MJ Gundlach, J Stoner
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 10 (3), 27-40, 2004
Roots run deep: Investigating psychological mechanisms between history of family aggression and abusive supervision.
PRJM Garcia, SLD Restubog, C Kiewitz, KL Scott, RL Tang
Journal of applied psychology 99 (5), 883, 2014
The role of psychological climate in neutralizing the effects of organizational politics on work outcomes
C Kiewitz, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, SL Castro
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 32 (6), 1189-1207, 2002
The moderating effect of power distance on employee responses to psychological contract breach
TJ Zagenczyk, KS Cruz, JH Cheung, KL Scott, C Kiewitz, B Galloway
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 24 (6), 853-865, 2015
Positive affectivity and collective efficacy as moderators of the relationship between perceived politics and job satisfaction
WA Hochwarter, C Kiewitz, SL Castro, PL Perrewè, GR Ferris
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 33 (5), 1009-1035, 2003
Cultural differences in listening style preferences: A comparison of young adults in Germany, Israel, and the United States
C Kiewitz, JB Weaver III, HB Brosius, G Weimann
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 9 (3), 233-247, 1997
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Articles 1–20