Substitutes for leadership: Their meaning and measurement S Kerr, JM Jermier Organizational behavior and human performance 22 (3), 375-403, 1978 | 3422 | 1978 |
Corporate reputation: The definitional landscape ML Barnett, JM Jermier, BA Lafferty Corporate reputation review 9, 26-38, 2006 | 2223 | 2006 |
Effects of continuance, affective, and moral commitment on the withdrawal process: An evaluation of eight structural equation models SJ Jaros, JM Jermier, JW Koehler, T Sincich Academy of management Journal 36 (5), 951-995, 1993 | 1417 | 1993 |
Emotional exhaustion in a high stress organization J Gaines, JM Jermier Academy of Management journal 26 (4), 567-586, 1983 | 1042 | 1983 |
Resistance and power in organizations. JM Jermier, DE Knights, WR Nord Taylor & Frances/Routledge, 1994 | 959 | 1994 |
Organizational subcultures in a soft bureaucracy: Resistance behind the myth and facade of an official culture JM Jermier, JW Slocum Jr, LW Fry, J Gaines Organization science 2 (2), 170-194, 1991 | 617 | 1991 |
Leader behavior in a police command bureaucracy: A closer look at the quasi-military model JM Jermier, LJ Berkes Administrative science quarterly, 1-23, 1979 | 468 | 1979 |
Introduction: Critical perspective on organizational control JM Jermier Administrative science quarterly 43 (2), 235-256, 1998 | 386 | 1998 |
Reactions to physically dangerous work: A conceptual and empirical analysis JM Jermier, J Gaines, NJ McIntosh Journal of Organizational Behavior 10 (1), 15-33, 1989 | 193 | 1989 |
“Substitutes for leadership: Their meaning and measurement”—Contextual recollections and current observations JM Jermier, S Kerr The Leadership Quarterly 8 (2), 95-101, 1997 | 184 | 1997 |
Theoretical perspectives on organizations and organizing in a post-growth era SB Banerjee, JM Jermier, AM Peredo, R Perey, A Reichel Organization 28 (3), 337-357, 2021 | 167 | 2021 |
" When the sleeper wakes": a short story extending themes in radical organization theory JM Jermier Journal of Management 11 (2), 67-80, 1985 | 155 | 1985 |
Sabotage by managers and technocrats: Neglected patterns of resistance at work D LaNuez, JM Jermier Resistance and power in organizations, 219-251, 1994 | 150 | 1994 |
2.8 The new corporate environmentalism and green politics JM Jermier, LC Forbes, S Benn, RJ Orsato ORGANIZATION STUDIESsecond edition, 618, 2006 | 146 | 2006 |
Overcoming resistance to resistance: Insights from a study of the shadows WR Nord, JM Jermier Public Administration Quarterly, 396-409, 1994 | 144 | 1994 |
Critical social science for managers? Promising and perverse possibilities WR Nord, JM Jermier Critical management studies, 202-222, 1992 | 128 | 1992 |
Introduction: Charismatic leadership: Neo-Weberian perspectives. JM Jermier The Leadership Quarterly, 1993 | 114 | 1993 |
Sabotage at work: The rational view J Jermier Research in the Sociology of Organizations 6 (1), 34, 1988 | 112 | 1988 |
Developing a field with more soul: Standpoint theory and public policy research for management scholars P Adler, J Jermier Academy of Management Journal 48 (6), 941-944, 2005 | 101 | 2005 |
The path-goal theory of leadership: A subtextual analysis JM Jermier The Leadership Quarterly 7 (3), 311-316, 1996 | 95 | 1996 |