Anselm Schneider
Anselm Schneider
Associate Professor in Organization Theory; Stockholm University
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Cited by
Reducing complexity by creating complexity: A systems theory perspective on how organizations respond to their environments
A Schneider, C Wickert, E Marti
Journal of Management Studies 54 (2), 182-208, 2017
Two dimensions of corporate sustainability assessment: Towards a comprehensive framework
A Schneider, E Meins
Business Strategy and the Environment 21 (4), 211-222, 2012
Reflexivity in sustainability accounting and management: Transcending the economic focus of corporate sustainability
A Schneider
Journal of Business Ethics 127, 525-536, 2015
Democratizing corporate governance: Compensating for the democratic deficit of corporate political activity and corporate citizenship
AG Scherer, D Baumann-Pauly, A Schneider
Business & Society 52 (3), 473-514, 2013
Bound to fail? Exploring the systemic pathologies of CSR and their implications for CSR research
A Schneider
Business & Society 59 (7), 1303-1338, 2020
Corporate governance in a risk society
A Schneider, AG Scherer
Journal of Business Ethics 126, 309-323, 2015
State governance beyond the ‘shadow of hierarchy’: A social mechanisms perspective on governmental CSR policies
A Schneider, AG Scherer
Organization Studies 40 (8), 1147-1168, 2019
Embracing ambiguity–lessons from the study of corporate social responsibility throughout the rise and decline of the modern welfare state
A Schneider
Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (3), 293-308, 2014
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in International Trade and Investment Agreements: implications for states, businesses and workers
R Peels, A Schneider, E Echeverria, J Aissi
International Labour Office, 2016
Can transnational corporations leverage systemic change towards a ‘sustainable’future?
A Schneider, J Hinton, D Collste, TS González, SV Cortes-Calderon, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (4), 491-492, 2020
Learning from alternatives: Analyzing alternative ways of organizing as starting points for improving the corporation
J Luyckx, A Schneider, A Kourula
The corporation: Rethinking the iconic form of business organization, 209-231, 2022
A systemic approach to quality improvement in public health services: The Moroccan “quality contest”
A Sahel, A Alaoui Belghiti, V DeBrouwere, F Valente Soares, G Kegels, ...
Leadership in Health Services 28 (1), 8-23, 2015
Untaming grand challenges research: Against a de-politicization of grand challenges
A Schneider
Business & Society 63 (6), 1302-1306, 2024
Reconsidering the legitimacy and efficiency of corporate strategies: A case for organizational democracy
A Schneider, AG Scherer
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Change: Institutional and …, 2019
J Schneider, T Kulms, A Roehder, J Schneider, T Kulms, A Roehder
Kompendium der Unternehmensführung: Was ein Ingenieur über Unternehmen …, 2017
Learning Activity
DK Schneider
Retrieved on October 7th, 2014
Escaping the Loop of Unsustainability: Why and How Business Ethics Matters for Earth System Justice
A Schneider, J Murray
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-9, 2024
The potential role of the ILO to enhance institutional coherence on CSR in international trade and investment agreements
R Peels, A Schneider
Protecting labour rights in a multi-polar supply chain and mobile global economy, 2014
Private business firms, human rights, and global governance issues: An organizational implementation perspective
AJ Schneider, A Scherer
UZH Business Working Paper Series, 2012
Handbook on assessment of labour provisions in trade and investment arrangements
SA Aaronson, J Aissi, M Barbu, L Campling, M Corley-Coulibaly, ...
Studies on Growth with Equity, 2017
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Articles 1–20