Philip Joyce
Cited by
Cited by
Public budgeting systems
RD Lee Jr, RW Johnson, PG Joyce
Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2020
Government performance: Why management matters
PW Ingraham, PG Joyce, AK Donahue
Taylor & Francis, 2003
The changing fiscal structure of the state and local public sector: The impact of tax and expenditure limitations
PG Joyce, DR Mullins
Public administration review, 240-253, 1991
Tax and expenditure limitations and state and local fiscal structure: An empirical assessment
DR Mullins, PG Joyce
Public Budgeting & Finance 16 (1), 75-101, 1996
Using performance measures for federal budgeting: Proposals and prospects
PG Joyce
Public Budgeting & Finance 13 (4), 3-17, 1993
A framework for analyzing emergency management with an application to federal budgeting
AK Donahue, PG Joyce
Public Administration Review 61 (6), 728-740, 2001
Linking performance and budgeting: Opportunities in the federal budget process
PG Joyce
Managing for results, 83-140, 2005
The effect of underforecasting on the accuracy of revenue forecasts by state governments
R Rodgers, P Joyce
Public Administration Review, 48-56, 1996
The Obama administration and PBB: Building on the legacy of federal performance‐informed budgeting?
PG Joyce
Public Administration Review 71 (3), 356-367, 2011
The Congressional Budget Office: honest numbers, power, and policymaking
PG Joyce
Georgetown University Press, 2011
What's so magical about five percent? A nationwide look at factors that influence the optimal size of state rainy day funds
PG Joyce
Public Budgeting & Finance 21 (2), 62-87, 2001
Budgetary responses to a global pandemic: international experiences and lessons for a sustainable future
G Grossi, AT Ho, PG Joyce
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 32 (5), 737-744, 2020
Using performance information for budgeting: Clarifying the framework and investigating recent state experience
PG Joyce, SS Tompkins
Meeting the challenges of performance-oriented government, 61-96, 2002
Performance-based budgeting
PG Joyce
Handbook of government budgeting, 597-619, 1999
The reiterative nature of budget reform: is there anything new in federal budgeting?
PG Joyce
Public Budgeting & Finance 13 (3), 36-48, 1993
Government responses to the coronavirus in the United States: immediate remedial actions, rising debt levels and budgetary hangovers
PG Joyce, A Suryo Prabowo
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 32 (5), 745-758, 2020
Congressional budget reform: The unanticipated implications for federal policy making
PG Joyce
Public Administration Review, 317-325, 1996
Deficit Budgeting: The Federal Budget Process and Budget Reform
PG Joyce, RD Reischauer
Harv. J. on Legis. 29, 429, 1992
Using performance measures for budgeting: A new beat, or is it the same old tune?
PG Joyce
New Directions for Evaluation 1997 (75), 45-61, 1997
Does more (or even better) information lead to better budgeting? A new perspective
PG Joyce
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 27 (4), 945-960, 2008
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Articles 1–20