Ken. Dunegan
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Cited by
Framing, cognitive modes, and image theory: Toward an understanding of a glass half full.
KJ Dunegan
Journal of applied psychology 78 (3), 491, 1993
Examining the link between leader member exchange and subordinate performance: The role of task analyzability and variety as moderators
KJ Dunegan, D Duchon, M Uhl-Bien
Journal of management 18 (1), 59-76, 1992
LMX and subordinate performance: The moderating effects of task characteristics
KJ Dunegan, M Uhl-Bien, D Duchon
Journal of Business and Psychology 17, 275-285, 2002
Perceptions of an innovative climate: Examining the role of divisional affiliation, work group interaction, and leader/subordinate exchange
KJ Dunegan, P Tierney, D Duchon
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 39 (3), 227-236, 1992
Implications of organizational exchanges for accountability theory
B Erdogan, RT Sparrowe, RC Liden, KJ Dunegan
Human Resource Management Review 14 (1), 19-45, 2004
An empirical test of Staw and Ross's prescriptions for the management of escalation of commitment behavior in organizations
SL Barton, D Duchon, KJ Dunegan
Decision Sciences 20 (3), 532-544, 1989
Framing the problem and making decisions: The facts are not enough
D Duchon, KJ Dunegan, SL Barton
IEEE transactions on engineering management 36 (1), 25-27, 1989
Characteristics of mindless teaching evaluations and the moderating effects of image compatibility
KJ Dunegan, MW Hrivnak
Journal of management education 27 (3), 280-303, 2003
Image theory: Testing the role of image compatibility in progress decisions
KJ Dunegan
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 62 (1), 79-86, 1995
Affect, risk, and decision criticality: Replication and extension in a business setting
KJ Dunegan, D Duchon, SL Barton
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 53 (3), 335-351, 1992
Fines, frames, and images: Examining formulation effects on punishment decisions
KJ Dunegan
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 68 (1), 58-67, 1996
Leader-image compatibility: An image theory view of leadership
KJ Dunegan
Journal of Business and Management 9 (1), 61-77, 2003
Image compatibility and the use of problem space information in resource allocation decisions: Testing a moderating effects model
KJ Dunegan, D Duchon, D Ashmos
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 64 (1), 31-37, 1995
Toward an understanding of innovative climate: Explaining variance in perceptions by divisional affiliation, work group interactions, and subordinate-manager exchanges
KJ Dunegan, P Tierney, D Duchon
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 39, 227-236, 1992
Image theory and the appraisal of employee performance: To screen or not to screen?
BJ Pesta, DS Kass, KJ Dunegan
Journal of Business and Psychology 19, 341-360, 2005
Avoid Decision Making Disaster by Considering Psychological
D Duchon, D Ashmos, KJ Dunegan
Review of Business 13 (1, 2), 13, 1991
Feedback sign and mindful vs. mindless information processing
KJ Dunegan
Advances in managerial cognition and organizational information processing 5 …, 1994
Contrast and rater-perspective effects on judgments of sexual harassment severity: What he thinks she thinks, and vice versa
BJ Pesta, KJ Dunegan, MW Hrivnak
Journal of Business and Psychology 22, 155-165, 2007
Parsing work environments along the dimensions of sexual and non-sexual harassment: Drawing lines in office sand
BJ Pesta, MW Hrivnak, KJ Dunegan
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 19, 45-55, 2007
Image compatibility and framing
KJ Dunegan
Decision making in the workplace, 181-196, 2014
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