Guohua Hu
Guohua Hu
Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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Functional inks and printing of two-dimensional materials
G Hu, J Kang, LWT Ng, X Zhu, RCT Howe, CG Jones, MC Hersam, ...
Chemical Society Reviews 47 (9), 3265-3300, 2018
Black phosphorus ink formulation for inkjet printing of optoelectronics and photonics
G Hu, T Albrow-Owen, X Jin, A Ali, Y Hu, RCT Howe, K Shehzad, Z Yang, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 278, 2017
Tunable Q-switched fiber laser based on saturable edge-state absorption in few-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)
RI Woodward, EJR Kelleher, RCT Howe, G Hu, F Torrisi, T Hasan, ...
Optics express 22 (25), 31113-31122, 2014
Wideband saturable absorption in few-layer molybdenum diselenide (MoSe2) for Q-switching Yb-, Er- and Tm-doped fiber lasers
RI Woodward, RCT Howe, TH Runcorn, G Hu, F Torrisi, EJR Kelleher, ...
Optics express 23 (15), 20051-20061, 2015
Solution processed MoS2-PVA composite for sub-bandgap mode-locking of a wideband tunable ultrafast Er:fiber laser
M Zhang, RCT Howe, RI Woodward, EJR Kelleher, F Torrisi, G Hu, ...
Nano Research 8, 1522-1534, 2015
Few-layer MoS2 saturable absorbers for short-pulse laser technology: current status and future perspectives
RI Woodward, RCT Howe, G Hu, F Torrisi, M Zhang, T Hasan, ...
Photonics Research 3 (2), A30-A42, 2015
Yb- and Er-doped fiber laser Q-switched with an optically uniform, broadband WS2 saturable absorber
M Zhang, G Hu, G Hu, RCT Howe, L Chen, Z Zheng, T Hasan
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17482, 2015
A Fully Printed Flexible MoS2 Memristive Artificial Synapse with Femtojoule Switching Energy
X Feng, Y Li, L Wang, S Chen, ZG Yu, WC Tan, N Macadam, G Hu, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 5 (12), 1900740, 2019
Inkjet printed large‐area flexible few‐layer graphene thermoelectrics
T Juntunen, H Jussila, M Ruoho, S Liu, G Hu, T Albrow‐Owen, LWT Ng, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (22), 1800480, 2018
CMOS integration of inkjet-printed graphene for humidity sensing
S Santra, G Hu, RCT Howe, A De Luca, SZ Ali, F Udrea, JW Gardner, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17374, 2015
A general ink formulation of 2d crystals for wafer-scale inkjet printing
G Hu, L Yang, Z Yang, Y Wang, X Jin, J Dai, Q Wu, S Liu, X Zhu, X Wang, ...
Science Advances 6 (33), eaba5029, 2020
152 fs nanotube-mode-locked thulium-doped all-fiber laser
J Wang, X Liang, G Hu, Z Zheng, S Lin, D Ouyang, X Wu, P Yan, S Ruan, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28885, 2016
102 fs pulse generation from a long-term stable, inkjet-printed black phosphorus-mode-locked fiber laser
X Jin, G Hu, M Zhang, Y Hu, T Albrow-Owen, RCT Howe, TC Wu, Q Wu, ...
Optics Express 26 (10), 12506-12513, 2018
Inkjet-printed graphene electrodes for dye-sensitized solar cells
D Dodoo-Arhin, RCT Howe, G Hu, Y Zhang, P Hiralal, A Bello, ...
Carbon 105, 33-41, 2016
Graphene charge-injection photodetectors
W Liu, J Lv, L Peng, H Guo, C Liu, Y Liu, W Li, L Li, L Liu, P Wang, ...
Nature Electronics 5 (5), 281-288, 2022
Printing of Graphene and Related 2D Materials - Technology, Formulation and Applications
LWT Ng, G Hu, RCT Howe, X Zhu, Z Yang, C Jones, T Hasan
Wavelength and pulse duration tunable ultrafast fiber laser mode-locked with carbon nanotubes
D Li, H Jussila, Y Wang, G Hu, T Albrow-Owen, R CT Howe, Z Ren, J Bai, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 2738, 2018
Double-wall carbon nanotube hybrid mode-locker in tm-doped fibre laser: A novel mechanism for robust bound-state solitons generation
M Chernysheva, A Bednyakova, M Al Araimi, RCT Howe, G Hu, T Hasan, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 44314, 2017
Q-switched Dy: ZBLAN fiber lasers beyond 3 μm: comparison of pulse generation using acousto-optic modulation and inkjet-printed black phosphorus
RI Woodward, MR Majewski, N Macadam, G Hu, T Albrow-Owen, ...
Optics express 27 (10), 15032-15045, 2019
Essential characteristics of memristors for neuromorphic computing
W Chen, L Song, S Wang, Z Zhang, G Wang, G Hu, S Gao
Advanced Electronic Materials 9 (2), 2200833, 2023
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Articles 1–20