Ali Akbar Tadaion
Ali Akbar Tadaion
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Cited by
Rate analysis of cell-free massive MIMO-NOMA with three linear precoders
F Rezaei, C Tellambura, AA Tadaion, AR Heidarpour
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (6), 3480-3494, 2020
Underlaid spectrum sharing for cell-free massive MIMO-NOMA
F Rezaei, AR Heidarpour, C Tellambura, A Tadaion
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (4), 907-911, 2020
Signal activity detection of phase-shift keying signals
AA Tadaion, M Derakhtian, S Gazor, MM Nayebi, MR Aref
IEEE Transactions on Communications 54 (8), 1439-1445, 2006
A fast multiple-source detection and localization array signal processing algorithm using the spatial filtering and ML approach
AA Tadaion, M Derakhtian, S Gazor, MR Aref
IEEE transactions on signal processing 55 (5), 1815-1827, 2007
Local spectrum sensing in non-Gaussian noise
SJ Zahabi, AA Tadaion
2010 17th International Conference on Telecommunications, 843-847, 2010
Separating function estimation tests: A new perspective on binary composite hypothesis testing
A Ghobadzadeh, S Gazor, MR Taban, AA Tadaion, M Gazor
IEEE transactions on signal processing 60 (11), 5626-5639, 2012
Neyman-pearson cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio networks with fine quantization at local sensors
SJ Zahabi, AA Tadaion, S Aissa
IEEE transactions on communications 60 (6), 1511-1522, 2012
A reed-solomon code based measurement matrix with small coherence
MM Mohades, A Mohades, A Tadaion
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 21 (7), 839-843, 2014
Interference alignment in cognitive radio networks
F Rezaei, A Tadaion
Iet Communications 8 (10), 1769-1777, 2014
Computationally Efficient Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation and Activity Detection for -PSK Signals in Unknown Flat Fading Channels
S Gazor, M Derakhtian, AA Tadaion
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (10), 871-874, 2010
Invariance and optimality of CFAR detectors in binary composite hypothesis tests
A Ghobadzadeh, S Gazor, MR Taban, AA Tadaion, SM Moshtaghioun
IEEE transactions on signal processing 62 (14), 3523-3535, 2014
Energy-efficient mobility-aware caching algorithms for clustered small cells in ultra-dense networks
I Keshavarzian, Z Zeinalpour-Yazdi, A Tadaion
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (7), 6833-6846, 2019
Generalized wald test for binary composite hypothesis test
M Naderpour, A Ghobadzadeh, A Tadaion, S Gazor
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 22 (12), 2239-2243, 2015
Joint detection and estimation of speech spectral amplitude using noncontinuous gain functions
H Momeni, HR Abutalebi, A Tadaion
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 23 (8), 1249 …, 2015
Modulation classification of linearly modulated signals in slow flat fading channels
M Derakhtian, AA Tadaion, S Gazor
IET signal processing 5 (5), 443-450, 2011
Likelihood ratio tests for PSK modulation classification in unknown noise environment
AA Tadaion, M Derakhtian, S Gazor, MR Aref
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2005., 151-154, 2005
Multi-layer beamforming in uplink/downlink massive MIMO systems with multi-antenna users
F Rezaei, A Tadaion
Signal Processing 164, 58-66, 2019
Sum-rate improvement in cognitive radio through interference alignment
F Rezaei, A Tadaion
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (1), 145-154, 2015
NOMA-based energy-delay trade-off for mobile edge computation offloading in 5G networks
N Nouri, P Rafiee, A Tadaion
2018 9th International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST), 522-527, 2018
Asymptotically optimal CFAR detectors
A Ghobadzadeh, S Gazor, M Naderpour, AA Tadaion
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 64 (4), 897-909, 2015
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Articles 1–20