Paul A Story
Paul A Story
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The relation between emotional intelligence and job performance: A meta‐analysis
EH O'Boyle Jr, RH Humphrey, JM Pollack, TH Hawver, PA Story
Journal of Organizational Behavior 32 (5), 788-818, 2011
A meta‐analytic test of redundancy and relative importance of the dark triad and five‐factor model of personality
EH O'Boyle, DR Forsyth, GC Banks, PA Story, CD White
Journal of personality 83 (6), 644-664, 2015
The Big Five and achievement motivation: Exploring the relationship between personality and a two-factor model of motivation.
JW Hart, MF Stasson, JM Mahoney, P Story
Individual Differences Research 5 (4), 2007
A meta-analytic review of the Dark Triad–intelligence connection
EH O’Boyle, D Forsyth, GC Banks, PA Story
Journal of Research in Personality 47 (6), 789-794, 2013
Using a two-factor theory of achievement motivation to examine performance-based outcomes and self-regulatory processes
PA Story, JW Hart, MF Stasson, JM Mahoney
Personality and Individual differences 46 (4), 391-395, 2009
Watershed conservation and preservation: Environmental engagement as helping behavior
PA Story, DR Forsyth
Journal of Environmental Psychology 28 (4), 305-317, 2008
What causes failure and success? Students’ perceptions of their academic outcomes
DR Forsyth, PA Story, KN Kelley, JH McMillan
Social Psychology of Education 12, 157-174, 2009
Identity and sustainability: Localized sense of community increases environmental engagement
DR Forsyth, M van Vugt, G Schlein, PA Story
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 15 (1), 233-252, 2015
Watershed pollution and preservation: The awareness–appraisal model of environmentally positive intentions and behaviors
DR Forsyth, M García, LE Zyzniewski, PA Story, NA Kerr
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 4 (1), 115-128, 2004
Using HR analytics to support managerial decisions: a case study
L Liu, S Akkineni, P Story, C Davis
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Southeast Conference, 168-175, 2020
Consequences of childhood memories: Narcissism, malevolent, and benevolent childhood experiences
AD Starbird, PA Story
Child Abuse & Neglect 108, 104656, 2020
A two-factor model of achievement motivation
P Story, MF Stasson, JM Mahoney, JW Hart
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 36 (5), 707-708, 2008
Motivational effects of goal orientation
CN Elliott, PA Story
The Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research 5 (1), 4, 2017
Motivational Situations of Choice
CN Elliott, PA Story
The Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research 4 (1), 3, 2016
The Short Dark Triad and Giving to Nonprofits
AN Prewett, C Elliott, PA Story
The Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research 6 (2), 1, 2019
Watch Me Give: Narcissism as a Moderator to Donating to a Nonprofit
A Prewett, C Elliott, PA Story
The Kennesaw Journal of Undergraduate Research 6 (1), 2, 2019
Self-and Team-Efficacy in Military Trainees: Development of Two Novel Military Trainee-Appropriate Assessments
BA Moore, PA Story, J Allen, J Kirshenbaum, A Wittig, K Pitts, JL Judkins, ...
Military Behavioral Health, 1-11, 2023
Watch Me Give: Narcissism as a Moderator to Donating to a Nonprofit
C Elliott, PA Story
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Articles 1–18