Jonathan R Clark
Jonathan R Clark
Professor of Management, University of Texas at San Antonio
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Cited by
A (blurry) vision of the future: How leader rhetoric about ultimate goals influences performance
AM Carton, C Murphy, JR Clark
Academy of Management Journal 57 (6), 1544-1570, 2014
Broadening focus: Spillovers, complementarities, and specialization in the hospital industry
JR Clark, RS Huckman
Management Science 58 (4), 708-722, 2012
Discretionary Task Ordering: Queue Management in Radiological Services
M Ibanez, JR Clark, RS Huckman, BR Staats
Harvard Business School Technology & Operations Mgt. Unit Working Paper, 2015
Learning from customers: Individual and organizational effects in outsourced radiological services
JR Clark, RS Huckman, BR Staats
Organization Science 24 (5), 1539-1557, 2013
When do leaders matter? Ownership, governance and the influence of CEOs on firm performance
JR Clark, C Murphy, SJ Singer
The Leadership Quarterly 25 (2), 358-372, 2014
Medical Group Structural Integration May Not Ensure That Care Is Integrated, From The Patient’s Perspective
MJ Kerrissey, JR Clark, MW Friedberg, W Jiang, AK Fryer, M Frean, ...
Health Affairs 36 (5), 885-892, 2017
The internal processes and behavioral dynamics of hospital boards: An exploration of differences between high-and low-performing hospitals
NM Kane, JR Clark, HL Rivenson
Health care management review 34 (1), 80-91, 2009
Advances in health care management
JD Blair, MD Fottler, GT Savage
JAI Press Incorporated, 2001
Women at the helm: Chief executive officer gender and patient experience in the hospital industry
GA Silvera, JR Clark
Health care management review 46 (3), 206-216, 2021
Strained local and state government finances among current realities that threaten public hospitals’ profitability
NM Kane, SJ Singer, JR Clark, K Eeckloo, M Valentine
Health Affairs 31 (8), 1680-1689, 2012
Service line structure and decision-maker attention in three health systems: Implications for patient-centered care
CJ Louis, JR Clark, B Gray, D Brannon, V Parker
Health care management review 44 (1), 41-56, 2019
Comorbidity and the limitations of volume and focus as organizing principles
JR Clark
Medical Care Research and Review 69 (1), 83-102, 2012
Dreams within a dream: Multiple visions and organizational structure
A Lewis, J Clark
Journal of Organizational Behavior 41 (1), 50-76, 2020
From striving to thriving: Systems thinking, strategy, and the performance of safety net hospitals
J Clark, S Singer, N Kane, M Valentine
Health care management review 38 (3), 211-223, 2013
Goal Relatedness and Learning: Evidence from Hospitals
JR Clark, V Kuppuswamy, BR Staats
Organization Science 29 (1), 100-117, 2018
Can Organisational Culture of Teams Be a Lever for Integrating Care? An Exploratory Study
MV Tietschert, F Angeli, AJA Van Raak, J Clark, SJ Singer, D Ruwaard
International Journal of Integrated Care 19 (4), 2019
Pressure and Performance: Buffering Capacity and the Cyclical Impact of Accreditation Inspections on Risk‐Adjusted Mortality
TJ Towers
Journal of Healthcare Management 59 (5), 323-337, 2014
Patient evaluations of the interpersonal care experience (ICE) in US hospitals: A factor analysis of the HCAHPS survey
GA Silvera, JR Clark
Patient Experience Journal 3 (1), 101-109, 2016
Picture this
C Murphy, JR Clark
Organizational Dynamics 45, 139-146, 2016
The Effects of Hospital Characteristics on Delays in Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Appalachian Communities: A Population‐Based Study
CJ Louis, JR Clark, MM Hillemeier, F Camacho, N Yao, RT Anderson
The Journal of Rural Health 34, s91-s103, 2018
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