Sajid Saleem
Sajid Saleem
Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ skylineuniversity.ac.ae
Dynamic mode decomposition based epileptic seizure detection from scalp EEG
MSJ Solaija, S Saleem, K Khurshid, SA Hassan, AM Kamboh
IEEE Access 6, 38683-38692, 2018
Mallat’s scattering transform based anomaly sensing for detection of seizures in scalp EEG
MZ Ahmad, AM Kamboh, S Saleem, AA Khan
IEEE Access 5, 16919-16929, 2017
STBC-aided cooperative NOMA with timing offsets, imperfect successive interference cancellation, and imperfect channel state information
MW Akhtar, SA Hassan, S Saleem, H Jung
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (10), 11712-11727, 2020
Path following of a quadrotor with a cable-suspended payload
A Akhtar, S Saleem, J Shan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (2), 1646-1654, 2022
Seizure detection using EEG: A survey of different techniques
MZ Ahmad, M Saeed, S Saleem, AM Kamboh
2016 International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET), 1-6, 2016
Automatic seizure detection using multi-resolution dynamic mode decomposition
M Bilal, M Rizwan, S Saleem, MM Khan, MS Alkatheir, M Alqarni
IEEE Access 7, 61180-61194, 2019
Internet‐of‐Things‐Infrastructure‐as‐a‐Service: The democratization of access to public Internet‐of‐Things Infrastructure
MU Ilyas, M Ahmad, S Saleem
International Journal of Communication Systems 33 (16), e4562, 2020
Hierarchical clustering algorithms for heterogeneous energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
SW Awan, S Saleem
2016 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), 270-274, 2016
Reducing the mutual outage probability of cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access
S Riaz, FA Khan, S Saleem, QZ Ahmed
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 16207-16212, 2020
Epileptic seizure detection with a reduced montage: A way forward for Ambulatory EEG devices
R Asif, S Saleem, SA Hassan, SA Alharbi, AM Kamboh
IEEE Access 8, 65880-65890, 2020
Trellis termination of multi-h CPM and the diophantine frobenius problem
S Saleem, GL Stuber
IEEE transactions on communications 59 (8), 2196-2205, 2011
Outage probability for a decode‐and‐forward SWIPT relaying system in Nakagami fading
F Nawaz, SA Hassan, S Aissa, S Saleem
Internet Technology Letters 1 (1), e13, 2018
Path invariant controllers for a quadrotor with a cable-suspended payload using a global parameterization
A Akhtar, S Saleem, J Shan
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (5), 2002-2017, 2021
Energy Efficient Neighbor Discovery for mmWave D2D Networks Using Polya's Necklaces
A Riaz, S Saleem, SA Hassan
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-6, 2018
Indoor motion classification using passive RF sensing incorporating deep learning
S Iqbal, U Iqbal, SA Hassan, S Saleem
2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2018
Estimation of modulation index for partial response CPM signal
T Munawar, S Saleem, SA Hassan, SMH Zaidi
IEEE Access 6, 7664-7674, 2018
On the estimation of modulation index for binary full response CPM signals
SA Ullah, I Khalid, S Saleem, SA Hassan
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (5), 918-921, 2018
Impacts of K‐fading on the performance of massive MIMO systems
MT Mushtaq, SA Hassan, S Saleem, DNK Jayakody
Electronics Letters 54 (1), 49-51, 2018
Linear diophantine constrained intra-fix for frequency domain equalization of multi-h CPM
S Saleem, GL Stuber
IEEE transactions on communications 60 (8), 2265-2274, 2012
Outage analysis of a dual relay SWIPT system in hybrid forwarding schemes
F Nawaz, SA Hassan, S Saleem
2018 14th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing …, 2018
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