Deniz Yenigun
Cited by
Cited by
Evaluation of resting cardiac power output as a prognostic factor in patients with advanced heart failure
O Yildiz, G Aslan, ZT Demirozu, CD Yenigun, N Yazicioglu
The American Journal of Cardiology 120 (6), 973-979, 2017
Variable selection in regression using maximal correlation and distance correlation
CD Yenigün, ML Rizzo
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (8), 1692-1705, 2015
Estimating network structure via random sampling: Cognitive social structures and the adaptive threshold method
MD Siciliano, D Yenigun, G Ertan
Social networks 34 (4), 585-600, 2012
A test of independence in two-way contingency tables based on maximal correlation
CD Yenigün, GJ Székely, ML Rizzo
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 40 (12), 2225-2242, 2011
Omission and commission errors in network cognition and network estimation using ROC curve
D Yenigün, G Ertan, M Siciliano
Social Networks 50, 26-34, 2017
Perception accuracy, biases and path dependency in longitudinal social networks
G Ertan, MD Siciliano, D Yenigün
PloS one 14 (6), e0218607, 2019
Full and conditional likelihood approaches for hazard change-point estimation with truncated and censored data
Ü Gürler, CD Yenigün
Computational statistics & data analysis 55 (10), 2856-2870, 2011
Prognostic value of right ventricular cardiac power output at rest in patients with advanced heart failure
O Yildiz, CD Yenigun
Acta Cardiologica Sinica 37 (4), 404, 2021
On the Modeling of CO2 EUA and CER Prices of EU‐ETS for the 2008–2012 Period
Ü Gürler, D Yenigün, M Çağlar, E Berk
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 32 (4), 375-395, 2016
Hazard Change Point Estimation
U Gurler, CD Yenigun
Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online, 2017
Hazard Change-point Models with Truncated Data
U Gṻrler, CD Yenigṻn
Technical Report 2002–05, Department of Industrial Engineering, Bilkent …, 2002
Estimation in hazard change-point models with truncated data
CD Yenigün
Middle East Technical University, 2002
On the Modeling of CO2 EUA and CER Prices of EU-ETS for the 2008-2012 Period
CD Yenigün, Ü Gürler, M Çağlar, E Berk
Wiley-Blackwell, 2016
Hazard Change Point Problem for Censored and Truncated Data
Ü Gurler, CD Yenigün
İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi 10 (1), 85-94, 2013
Kesilmiş Veri ile Tehlike Fonksiyonlarında Değişim Noktası Tahmini
Ü Gurler, CD Yenigün
İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi 1 (2), 95-101, 2002
A Test of Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables Based on Maximal Correlation
G Székely, D Yenigün
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Articles 1–16